Mon, 1st November 2021
6:10 am
Q3 Financials
Q3 Un-audited): Decrease in consolidated life revenue account for July-September, 2021 was Tk. 2354.82 million as against increase in Tk. 5.25 million for July-September, 2020. Whereas decrease in consolidated life revenue account for Jan- September, 2021 was Tk. 3681.23 million with consolidated total life insurance fund of Tk. 21082.06 million as against decrease Tk. 916.45 million and Tk. 32,773.91 million respectively for the same period of the previous year.
Mon, 1st November 2021
5:20 am
Q2 Financials
(Continuing of FAREASTLIF): Decrease in consolidated life revenue account for Jan-June, 2021 was Tk. 1,819.80 million with consolidated total life insurance fund of Tk. 22,943.49 million as against decrease in Tk. 922.60 million and Tk. 32,767.76 million respectively for the same period of the previous year. (end)
Mon, 1st November 2021
5:20 am
Q2 Financials
(Q2 Un-audited): Decrease in consolidated life revenue account for Apr-June, 2021 was Tk. 795.19 million with consolidated total life insurance fund of Tk. 22,943.49 million as against decrease in Tk. 43.76 million and Tk. 32,767.76 million respectively for the same period of the previous year. (cont.)
Mon, 1st November 2021
5:20 am
Q1 Financials
(Q1 Un-audited): Increase in consolidated life revenue account for Jan-Mar, 2021 was Tk. 98.68 million with consolidated total life insurance fund of Tk. 24,861.96 million as against decrease in consolidated life revenue account of Tk. 879.64 million and Tk. 32,810.72 million respectively for the same period of the previous year.
Mon, 2nd November 2020
9:02 am
Q1 Financials
(Q1 Un-audited): Decrease in consolidated life revenue account for Jan-Mar, 2020 was Tk. 878.84 million with consolidated total life insurance fund of Tk. 32,811.52 million as against decrease in consolidated life revenue account of Tk. 889.51 million and Tk. 32,439.75 million respectively for the same period of the previous year.
Mon, 2nd November 2020
9:02 am
Q3 Financials
(Q3 Un-audited): Increase in consolidated life revenue account for July-September, 2020 was Tk. 316.00 million as against decrease in Tk. 1,289.09 million for July-September, 2019. Whereas decrease in consolidated life revenue account for Jan- September, 2020 was Tk. 605.70 million with consolidated total life insurance fund of Tk. 33,084.66 million as against decrease Tk. 632.07 million and Tk. 32,697.19 million respectively for the same period of the previous year.
Mon, 2nd November 2020
9:02 am
Q2 Financials
(Continuing of FAREASTLIF): Decrease in consolidated life revenue account for Jan-June, 2020 was Tk. 921.70 million with consolidated total life insurance fund of Tk. 32,768.65 million as against increase in Tk. 657.02 million and Tk. 33,986.28 million respectively for the same period of the previous year. (end)
Mon, 2nd November 2020
9:02 am
Q2 Financials
(Q2 Un-audited): Decrease in consolidated life revenue account for Apr-June, 2020 was Tk. 42.86 million with consolidated total life insurance fund of Tk. 32,768.66 million as against increase in Tk. 1,546.53 million and Tk. 33,986.28 million respectively for the same period of the previous year. (cont.)
Thu, 31st October 2019
4:18 am
Q3 Financials
(Q3 Un-audited): Decrease in life revenue account for July-September, 2019 was Tk. 1,289.09 million as against decrease in Tk. 241.20 million for July-September, 2018. Whereas decrease in life revenue account for Jan- September, 2019 was Tk. 632.07 million with total life insurance fund of Tk. 32,697.19 million as against increase Tk. 226.66 million and Tk. 33,689.16 million respectively for the same period of the previous year.
Wed, 25th September 2019
4:12 am
Q2 Financials
(continuation news of FAREASTLIF): Increase in consolidated life revenue account for Jan-June, 2019 was Tk. 657.02 million with consolidated total life insurance fund of Tk. 33,986.28 million as against increase in Tk. 467.86 million and Tk. 33,930.36 million respectively for the same period of the previous year. (end)
Wed, 25th September 2019
4:12 am
Q2 Financials
(Q2 Un-audited): Increase in consolidated life revenue account for Apr-June, 2019 was Tk. 1,546.53 million with consolidated total life insurance fund of Tk. 33,986.28 million as against increase in Tk. 1,480.68 million and Tk. 33,930.36 million respectively for the same period of the previous year. (cont.)
Wed, 25th September 2019
4:12 am
Q1 Financials
(Q1 Un-audited): Decrease in consolidated life revenue account for Jan-Mar, 2019 was Tk. 889.51 million with consolidated total life insurance fund of Tk. 32,439.75 million as against decrease in consolidated life revenue account of Tk. 1,012.83 million and Tk. 32,449.67 million respectively for the same period of the previous year.
Wed, 31st October 2018
3:53 am
Q3 Financials
(Q3 Un-audited): Decrease in life revenue account for July-September, 2018 was Tk. 241.20 million as against decrease in Tk. 36.91 million for July-September, 2017. Whereas increase in life revenue account for Jan- September, 2018 was Tk. 226.66 million with total life insurance fund of Tk. 33,689.16 million as against Tk. 253.18 million and Tk. 32,427.51 million respectively for the same period of the previous year.
Wed, 31st October 2018
3:53 am
Q2 Financials
(continuation news of FAREASTLIF): Increase in consolidated life revenue account for Jan-June, 2018 was Tk. 467.86 million with consolidated total life insurance fund of Tk. 33,930.36 million as against increase in Tk. 290.08 million and Tk. 32,464.41 million respectively for the same period of the previous year. (end)
Wed, 31st October 2018
3:53 am
Q2 Financials
(Q2 Un-audited): Increase in consolidated life revenue account for Apr-June, 2018 was Tk. 1,480.68 million with consolidated total life insurance fund of Tk. 33,930.36 million as against increase in Tk. 1,091.71 million and Tk. 32,464.41 million respectively for the same period of the previous year. (cont.)
Wed, 31st October 2018
3:53 am
Q1 Financials
(Q1 Un-audited): Decrease in consolidated life revenue account for Jan-Mar, 2018 was Tk. 1,012.83 million with consolidated total life insurance fund of Tk. 32,449.67 million as against decrease in consolidated life revenue account of Tk. 801.62 million and Tk. 31,372.71 million respectively for the same period of the previous year.
Tue, 31st October 2017
4:22 am
Q3 Financials
(Q3 Un-audited): Decrease in life revenue account for July-September, 2017 was Tk. 38.91 million as against increase in Tk. 24.75 million for July-September, 2016. Whereas increase in life revenue account for Jan- September, 2017 was Tk. 251.18 million with total life insurance fund of Tk. 32,425.51 million as against Tk. 70.67 million and Tk. 31,367.93 million respectively for the same period of the previous year.
Tue, 26th September 2017
4:22 am
Q2 Financials
(continuation news of FAREASTLIF): Increase in consolidated life revenue account for Jan-June, 2017 was Tk. 290.08 m. with consolidated total life insurance fund of Tk. 32,464.41 m. as against increase in Tk. 45.92 m. and Tk. 31,343.18 m. respectively for the same period of the previous year.(end)
Tue, 26th September 2017
4:22 am
Q2 Financials
(Q2 Un-audited): Increase in consolidated life revenue account for Apr-June, 2017 was Tk. 1,091.71 m. with consolidated total life insurance fund of Tk. 32,464.41 m. as against increase in Tk. 29.92 m. and Tk. 31,343.18 m. respectively for the same period of the previous year. (cont.)
Tue, 26th September 2017
4:22 am
Q1 Financials
(Q1 Un-audited): Decrease in consolidated life revenue account for Jan-Mar, 2017 was Tk. 801.62 million with consolidated total life insurance fund of Tk. 31,372.71 million as against increase in consolidated life revenue account of Tk. 15.99 million and Tk. 31,313.25 million respectively for the same period of the previous year.
Wed, 26th October 2016
4:00 am
Q3 Financials
Increase in life revenue account for July-September, 2016 was Tk. 25.93 million as against Tk. 323.27 million for July-September, 2015. Whereas increase in life insurance fund for Jan- September, 2016 was Tk. 71.85 million with total life insurance fund of Tk. 31,369.11 million as against Tk. 572.76 million and Tk. 29,435.82 million respectively for Jan- September, 2015.
Mon, 1st August 2016
5:00 am
Q2 Financials
(Q2 Un-audited): Increase in consolidated life revenue account for Apr-June, 2016 was Tk. 28.64 m. with consolidated total life insurance fund of Tk. 31,341.89 m. as against Tk. 147.66 m. and Tk. 29,112.55 m. respectively for the same period of the previous year. Increase in consolidated life revenue account for Jan-June, 2016 was Tk. 44.64 m. with consolidated total life insurance fund of Tk. 31,341.89 m. as against Tk. 249.49 m. and Tk. 29,112.55 m. respectively for the same period of the previous year.
Wed, 29th June 2016
8:55 am
Q1 Financials
(Q1): As per un-audited quarterly accounts for the 1st quarter ended on 31st March 2016 (Jan'16 to March'16), the Company has reported increase in life revenue account of Tk. 15.99 million with total life insurance fund of Tk. 31,313.25 million as against an increase of Fund of Tk. 101.83 million and Tk. 28,964.89 million respectively for the same period of the previous year.
Sun, 1st November 2015
4:55 am
Increase in life revenue account for July-September, 2015 was Tk. 323.27 million as against increase of Tk. 640.30 million for July-September, 2014. Whereas increase in life insurance fund for Jan- September, 2015 was Tk. 572.76 million with total life insurance fund of Tk. 29,435.82 million as against increase of Tk. 1,555.10 million and Tk. 26,803.13 million respectively for Jan- September, 2014.
Tue, 4th August 2015
6:29 am
Q2 Financials
Increase in life revenue account for April-June, 2015 was Tk. 147.66 million as against increase of Tk. 675.83 million for April-June, 2014. Whereas increase in life insurance fund for Jan- June, 2015 was Tk. 249.49 million with total life insurance fund of Tk. 29,112.55 million as against increase of Tk. 914.80 million and Tk. 26,162.83 million respectively for Jan-June, 2014.
Wed, 29th July 2015
8:01 am
Q1 Financials
Increase in life revenue account for Jan- March, 2015 was Tk. 101.83 million with total life insurance fund of Tk. 28,964.89 million as against increase of Tk. 238.97 million and Tk. 25,486.99 million respectively for Jan-June, 2014.
Thu, 30th October 2014
4:33 am
Q3 Earnings
(Q3): As per un-audited quarterly accounts for the 3rd quarter ended on 30th September 2014 (July'14 to Sep'14), the Company has reported an increase in life insurance fund of Tk. 640.30 million as against Tk. 625.34 million for the same period of the previous year. Whereas increase in life insurance fund was Tk. 1,555.10 million for the period of 9 months (Jan'14 to Sep'14) ended on 30.09.2014 as against Tk. 1,462.59 million for the same period of the previous year. Total life insurance fund stood at Tk. 26,803.13 million as on 30.09.2014 as against Tk. 22,266.81 million as on 30.09.2013.
Mon, 27th October 2014
4:09 am
H/Y Earnings
(H/Y): As per un-audited half yearly accounts as on 30.06.2014 (Jan'14 to June'14), the Company has reported an increase in life insurance fund of Tk. 914.80 million with total life insurance fund of Tk. 26,162.83 million as against Tk. 837.25 million and Tk. 21,641.47 million respectively for the same period of the previous year. Whereas an increase in life insurance fund was Tk. 675.83 million for the period of 3 months (Apr'14 to June'14) ended on 30.06.2014 as against an increase of Tk. 459.32 million for the same period of the previous year.
Tue, 30th September 2014
8:33 am
(Q1): As per un-audited quarterly accounts for the 1st quarter ended on 31st March 2014 (Jan'14 to March'14), the Company has reported an increase in life revenue account of Tk. 238.97 million with total life insurance fund of Tk. 25,486.99 million as against Tk. 377.92 million and Tk. 21,182.15 million respectively for the same period of the previous year.
Thu, 31st October 2013
8:17 am
Q3 Earnings
(Q3): As per un-audited quarterly accounts for the 3rd quarter ended on 30th September 2013 (July'13 to Sep'13), the Company has reported an increase in life insurance fund of Tk. 625.34 million as against Tk. 370.17 million for the same period of the previous year. Whereas increase in life insurance fund was Tk. 1,462.59 million for the period of 9 months (Jan'13 to Sep'13) ended on 30.09.2013 as against Tk. 1,478.11 million for the same period of the previous year. Total life insurance fund stood at Tk. 22,266.81 million as on 30.09.2013 as against Tk. 17,964.61 million as on 30.09.2012.
Mon, 23rd September 2013
10:39 am
Q2 Earnings
(H/Y): As per un-audited half yearly accounts as on 30.06.2013 (Jan'13 to June'13), the Company has reported an increase in life insurance fund of Tk. 837.25 million with total life insurance fund of Tk. 21,641.47 million as against Tk. 1,107.94 million and Tk. 17,594.45 million respectively for the same period of the previous year. Whereas increase in life insurance fund was Tk. 459.32 million for the period of 3 months (Apr'13 to June'13) ended on 30.06.2013 as against Tk. 938.12 million for the same period of the previous year.
Sun, 30th June 2013
4:06 am
Q1 Earning
(Q1): As per un-audited quarterly accounts for the 1st quarter ended on 31st March 2013 (Jan'13 to March'13), the Company has reported an increase in life revenue account of Tk. 377.92 million with total life insurance fund of Tk. 21,182.15 million as against Tk. 169.82 million and Tk. 16,656.32 million respectively for the same period of the previous year.
Tue, 26th June 2012
11:29 am
- (Q1): As per un-audited quarterly accounts...
(Q1): As per un-audited quarterly accounts for the 1st quarter ended on 31st March 2012 (Jan'12 to March'12), the Company has reported an increase in life revenue account of Tk. 169.82 million with total life insurance fund of Tk. 16,656.32 million as against Tk. 254.89 million and Tk. 13,622.44 million respectively for the same period of the previous year.
Mon, 1st August 2011
8:48 am
- (H/Y): As per un-audited half...
(H/Y): As per un-audited half yearly accounts as on 30.06.11 (Jan' 11 to June' 11), the Company has reported an increase in life insurance fund of Tk. 1,275.36 million with total life insurance fund of Tk. 14,804.87 million as against Tk. 925.48 million and Tk. 10,207.64 million respectively for the same period of the previous year. Whereas increase in life insurance fund was Tk. 1,020.47 million for the period of 3 months (Apr' 11 to June' 11) ended on 30.06.11 as against Tk. 657.93 million for the same period of the previous year.